young adult transitional living program Portland maine

A Clinically-Driven
Transitional Living Program
For Young Adults

young adult transitional living program client at college

Providing educational,
vocational, and
emotional growth

young adult transitional living program portland maine cityscape

Located in Southern Maine
with professional and academic
real world immersion

emerging young adults transitional living program clients

Our mission is to help
young adults on their path
towards independence, self reliance,
and autonomy

young adult building confidence to navigate waves

At Cornerstones of Maine,
We Build Confidence
to Navigate Waves

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A transitional living program for young adults on their path toward independence and autonomy.





transitional living program for young adults

The Journey to Independence 


We are an accredited psychologist-owned and operated transitional living program for young adults based in Southern Maine. Our caring and compassionate team assists 18 to 28-year-old emerging young adults who are struggling to live and function independently. We offer a therapeutic & experiential approach that provides structure and support based on each client’s individual needs. Our program and accommodations welcome all genders and are LGBTQIA+ affirming. The average length of stay is 6 to 12 months.  







young adult transitional living program therapy

Our Clinically-Driven Model 


Therapeutic work is the foundation of the Cornerstones’ transitional living program and is the primary way we support our young adult clients to face the obstacles that have prevented their success in the past. To this end, we utilize the immersive therapeutic milieu, which makes our clinical staff accessible to our clients throughout the day. This facilitates transformative therapeutic work as our therapists have the opportunity to truly understand our clients and how they experience themselves and the world.








young adult transitional living program experiential

Our Experiential Approach


The Cornerstones Model places young adults in collaborative living spaces with supportive professionals based in the milieu throughout the day. Our clients are engaged in real-world activities of daily living, such as working, attending local colleges, and volunteering. Our clients are provided with a comprehensive holistic treatment approach that includes psychotherapy, executive functioning coaching, academic support, health and wellness, and interpersonal growth. The goal and core mission of our program is to help each young adult become successful on their path toward independence, self-reliance, and autonomy. 

On The Blog

Breaking the Cycle: Facing Failure and the Pitfalls of Seeking Redemption in Treatment

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Individuation and Differentiation: Sharing the Challenge of Growth

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Failure to Launch: An Outdated Term Needing a Makeover

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How changing seasons can affect our mental health

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Placing our children in residential care is never an easy decision. I can say without a doubt however that my son has grown immensely in his 10 months at Cornerstones. If I had to make the decision again I would hands down choose Cornerstones. The therapists are compassionate, skilled and dedicated. The life skills coaches know just how to lead our young adults with equal measures of patience and motivation. This program is unique in all of the best ways – the milieu is important and used to its fullest, therapists and coaches meet your child where they are and do what needs to be done to help them move forward, and the warmth and caring is always apparent. Having experienced other residential settings I can say that Cornerstones stands out from the rest – I don’t think you could choose better for your child.

Parent Testimonial

I have referred clients who are struggling, suffering and “stuck” for any number of reasons – here over the years Cornerstones has existed -the clinical approach is highly sophisticated and dynamic at the same time that the milieu is warm and friendly. The founders and directors are intentional and thoughtful in developing and maintaining an effective program to help young adults find a sense of well being, the ability to be productive in ways that are meaningful to them, positive family relationships and success in creating their own communities.

Consultant Testimonial

The Cornerstones program was literally a life-changing program for my daughter. What made the biggest difference to her was being with a group of other young adults and seeing them struggle with issues as well. She began to realize that it was not just her and she didn’t feel alone. From that point, she began to actually tackle the problems that had stopped her from being able to move ahead in life. After being at Cornerstones, she picks herself up after setbacks and keeps going instead of giving up.


Parent Testimonial

I am very grateful for Cornerstones of Maine. The therapists were fantastic and provided the guidance my child needed during a difficult time in life. I also learned how to best support her through the process. The work is hard, but so worth it. Each day I see how grounded and confident she is and how beautifully she continues to grow. It’s the best feeling in the world. Thank you!


Parent Testimonial

Cornerstones of Maine has been a lifesaver for our son and family. The personalized program, weekly conference calls, and unlimited support in psychological, educational, and life skills issues helped us work through our most difficult times. Our son gained independence, and we learned how to communicate more effectively as a family. We can’t thank the dedicated staff enough, and we will always be grateful that we chose Cornerstones!


Parent Testimonial

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