Josh is a licensed clinical psychologist who has spent 20+ years specializing in treating and assessing adolescents and young adults in various settings such as residential treatment programs, boarding schools, and private practice. Cornerstones of Maine is a concept that Josh has been working on for the entirety of his career. As a psychologist, he has derived tremendous value from helping individuals reach their potential and overcome mental health issues that have prevented successful independent living.
Josh has a passion for working with young adults. He also shares a similar fervor for environmental issues and ocean based activities. Prior to his clinical training Josh was an AmeriCorps volunteer in South Florida serving as an interpretive park ranger for the National Park Service. There he developed and implemented environmental educational camps for adolescents from the local communities and inner city areas. He also served as a researcher for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service working with endangered sea turtles. Since being in Maine, Josh has also become a familiar face in the surf lineup. This has resulted in numerous surfing outings for our residents over the years.