Cornerstones Aftercare Program Launches!
August 04, 2023
Cornerstones is excited to announce the launch of our new Aftercare Program! This new program will provide up to a year of support for clients who have successfully completed the Cornerstones residential program and are choosing to live locally in Southern Maine. The Cornerstones Aftercare program was created to ensure a more secure landing for our clients as they make their move to independence in their first year after our residential program. Going forward, clients graduating from Cornerstones and choosing to live in the Southern Maine region will have the opportunity to continue to work with a Cornerstones therapist and Life Skills coach while they transition to independence. These clients will be living in their own apartments, managing their finances, and responsibilities of daily life. A Cornerstones therapist and coach will provide weekly clinical and life skills support in the form of Zoom and face to face meetings in the community as well as home visits. In this way, the Cornerstones team will provide continuing scaffolding and support as they navigate the first year of independence after graduation from the Cornerstones of Maine program. For more information, check out the brochure here.